Saturday, February 20, 2010


Do you believe in signs, signals or messages from above? I DO...I believe I received one late this afternoon.

We were getting ready to eat dinner around 5:30p. It wasn't quite dark out...Tank and the Monkey were home, but Banana was playing at a friend's home two doors down from us. I walked out the front door, and heard a lot of much that I jumped over to the driveway from the front landing.

There were two plump birds flying and sputtering in Ned & Nora's tree.

[Ned & Nora's tree is a VA dogwood that was given to us after they died from my colleagues at work. We had it planted in our backyard at our townhouse, where it thrived. When we put the townhouse on the market, we stipulated that the tree was coming with us. It was transplanted beside our front door, and it continues to THRIVE.]

Anyway, these two plump birds flew from that tree to another tree in our front yard, and watched me walk down to check on Banana. I so wish I had my camera or iPhone on me to snap a picture. They were so beautiful!!!

When I walked back, there was no sign of the birds. I promptly went inside, got a lot of bread, and spread it over the front lawn. I hope they come back!!!

Happy Eighth Birthday, Ned & Nora! Banana, Tank & the Monkey enjoyed your birthday cake tonight...

Love, Mom.


nanc said...

Oh, I absolutely believe in signs and am so happy you got one!

christy rose said...

What a beautiful gift that the Lord gave you this day!!!! Happy Birthday to Ned and Nora, your angel babies!

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

Happy Birthday to Ned & Nora. It's a blessing you got your beautiful...yes, I do believe!

Maureen said...

I totally believe in signs. What a gift. Happy Birthday, sweet Ned and Nora. Our arms for a moment, our hearts forever. said...

Wow, neat. Happy b-day to your Ned and Nora! Hope it was wonderful!