Friday, September 04, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Best Sister!!!

Happy Birthday, baby we're only 4 years apart!!! :)

I am blessed and fortunate that my sister is also one of my closest friends. She's always there for me, at the lowest of lows and all they joys as well. We are blessed that our children are close cousins and friends.

This is CoCo with my Banana, her goddaughter!


Maureen said...

Thanks for the birthday love. Lord, can you choose a different picture?!? Banana looks great (as usual) but I would prefer one where my roots were done, I was younger, and also when I was skinnier.

Thanks. said...

Hope your sis had a great b-day.

Glad you have such a wonderful relationship!

The Mrs. said...

So sweet! And a Coco too! I love it!